Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's is a progressive neurological condition that leads to disorders of movement causing difficulty with functions such as walking, talking, and writing. 

Parkinson's occurs as result of a loss of nerve cells in the part of the brain known as the substantia nigra. These cells are responsible for producing a chemical known as dopamine, which allows messages to be sent to the parts of the brain that co-ordinate movement.

Common symptoms of Parkinson's Disease include:

  • Tremor
  • Slowness of movement
  • Difficulties with initiation of movement
  • ‘Freezing’ when walking
  • Stiffness
  • Reduced mobility
  • Reduced balance and risk of falling

How Bristol neurophysio can help

Following detailed assessment, the neurophysiotherapists at Bristol neurophysio provide an individualised exercise programme. This provides strategies to cope with the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease, including:

  • Work on bed mobility and transfer techniques
  • Stretches and strengthening exercises
  • Balance programmes
  • Advice on falls prevention
  • Provision of equipment where appropriate
  • Strategies to help improve walking and initiation of movement
  • Teaching relatives and carers stretches, positioning and correct handling techniques
  • Support people to access local leisure facilities
  • Address specific access to work issues, if appropriate

Bristol Neurophysio also has excellent contacts in Bristol and the surrounding areas, who can help with other services, including occupational therapy, speech and language therapy and psychology.

Some kind words

Our daughter’s renal failure means that she is delayed with standing and walking at 2 and half years of age. We first started seeing Jules a few months back for an intense block of physiotherapy to build the strength and skills needed for her to eventually stand and walk.  It was really important that the physiotherapist specialised in paediatrics and could work alongside the NHS physiotherapists we also see. Jules immediately put us at ease with her friendly and professional approach and has built a good, trusting relationship with our daughter.  She uses play as a way to get our daughter to engage with the therapy.  Our daughter has really enjoyed all her physio sessions to date and we have seen a notable improvement in her movement.  She has begun to pull herself up and can climb up small steps as well as shuffle down stairs in a controlled manner!

Ms S, Bristol