Older People's Day 2018

Older people's day 2018
Posted 01/10/18

As part of Older People's Day we'd like to take the opportunity to tell you a little about how the team at Bristol Neurophysio can support you as you get older;

Getting tired more easily, not being able to do the things you once took for granted and concerns about falls can be a worrying part of getting older but they don't have to be.  The risk of fractures increases as bone density falls and muscles become weaker and recovery after injury is harder the less active you are.  Regular exercise can reduce the risk of falls but sometimes getting started can feel like a challenge.  Maybe you have fallen in the past and have lost your confidence in keeping active and getting out.  Or maybe you associate exercise with going to the gym and know that this isn’t for you.  

With encouragement and support it’s never too late to get started with a new activity. Official guidelines suggest that activities to strengthen your muscles and bones should be done twice a week. With the added benefit of improved sleeping patterns and mood, increased energy and health, exercise and activity are in important part of everyone’s lives.  And this doesn’t just have to happen at the gym!  

At Bristol Neurophysio our team are experienced in supporting people to live an active life in the way that best suits them.  From swimming to cycling, home exercises to hiking – any form of activity can be tailored to you and a little help and encouragement to get started can make a world of difference.

To find out more then do get in touch with us at Bristol Neurophysio.

Some kind words

Our daughter’s renal failure means that she is delayed with standing and walking at 2 and half years of age. We first started seeing Jules a few months back for an intense block of physiotherapy to build the strength and skills needed for her to eventually stand and walk.  It was really important that the physiotherapist specialised in paediatrics and could work alongside the NHS physiotherapists we also see. Jules immediately put us at ease with her friendly and professional approach and has built a good, trusting relationship with our daughter.  She uses play as a way to get our daughter to engage with the therapy.  Our daughter has really enjoyed all her physio sessions to date and we have seen a notable improvement in her movement.  She has begun to pull herself up and can climb up small steps as well as shuffle down stairs in a controlled manner!

Ms S, Bristol