What is Neurophysiotherapy?

Posted 11/01/09

Neurophysiotherapy is a specialism of general physiotherapy.

Neurophysiotherapists specialise in the assessment and treatment of individuals who have neurological conditions. This means a problem associated with the central nervous system, namely the brain and spinal cord.

Due to the complexities of the central nervous system, people with neurological problems can have a variety of problems. These may be muscle stiffness or spasm (commonly called spasticity), weakness of muscle, tremor, problems with sensation etc.

These symptoms can lead to problems with everyday activities such as walking, getting dressed and feeding.

Neurophysiotherapists are trained in the analysis of ‘normal movement’. This involves knowing how the body moves in ‘normal situations’ and how the biomechanics of the body work to allow efficient movement. We are also experienced in how to manage and treat the problems associated with a neurological injury.

At Bristol neurophysio, we have many years of experience of working with people with neurological problems, in the hospital, community and outpatient settings. We have attended the internationally recognised ‘Bobath’ courses and are also trained in the ‘Movement Science approach to neurological rehabilitation’.

We’re also aware of the importance of keeping up to date with current, evidence-based practice and have an active CPD policy – we continually update our knowledge by attending courses and reviewing current practice.

Some kind words

Our daughter’s renal failure means that she is delayed with standing and walking at 2 and half years of age. We first started seeing Jules a few months back for an intense block of physiotherapy to build the strength and skills needed for her to eventually stand and walk.  It was really important that the physiotherapist specialised in paediatrics and could work alongside the NHS physiotherapists we also see. Jules immediately put us at ease with her friendly and professional approach and has built a good, trusting relationship with our daughter.  She uses play as a way to get our daughter to engage with the therapy.  Our daughter has really enjoyed all her physio sessions to date and we have seen a notable improvement in her movement.  She has begun to pull herself up and can climb up small steps as well as shuffle down stairs in a controlled manner!

Ms S, Bristol